Saturday, February 21, 2009

Welcome Welcome Sundy Morning

Right now I am just happy to be in being. I just got off a serious text argument with my younger brother. He's just red steamin hot right now. I mean he's got me worried. He's PO'd because I won't help him with his english homework. I know that I am a very talented writer and all but it's just like too much, when every other day I am supposed to write about jungle Safirees and things for his sake. I don't even have the internet right now because I'm at college and someone happened to steal my rudder. I can't even connect to read things. He tried picture mailing me his paper with his camera phone. Gollee, that was silly. like i could read that fuzzy funky mess. My brother just kills me sometimes. I am really glad that i'm at college in the provo area. everynight is just fun. mini golf, tacos, slurpees, cotton candy, and cologne shopping at hollister. I am going out with my guy friends now. GtG. By. 

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